300 Club Games

The John Wintle Medal

Until season 2002-03, there had been no trophy to recognise the exceptional achievement of playing 300 games with the club, yet six players have done so at the end of season 2001-02. The committee decided to acknowledge this milestone by inaugurating The John Wintle Medal, thereby also honouring one of the club’s finest players.

John Wintle, who commenced his career in 1960, was the second player to reach 300 games, and held the club record of 376 games until this was surpassed by Len Manzie in season 2002-03. During these 376 games, ‘Wints’ captured 975 wickets, and in his youth, struck fear into the hearts of many a batsman. In his later seasons, his scorching pace was replaced by guile and cunning, yet he was still most effective. His batting was often characterised by big hitting lower down the order and his highest score of 51 came late in his career. His fielding could best be described as ‘entertaining’, as was his whole attitude to the game of cricket – his wry humour on the field turned many a dull game into a memorable occasion. Nonetheless, he was a resolute competitor and a shrewd judge of the game. It can be truly said that John Wintle loved and respected the game of cricket in general, and Hampton Cricket Club in particular.

The club has provided a fine cabinet which houses medals for each of the players who have achieved this milestone. At a function in November 2003, John Wintle presented each of the other players with a plaque to recognise their achievement.

The recipients of the John Wintle Medal are listed below, in order of each player reaching 300 games.

1987-98Jim Kenny
1988-99John Wintle 
1994-95Len Manzie 
1997-98Peter Neville 
1998-99Max Grimmer 
2001-02John McCulloch
2004-05Sam Kenny 
2006-07Paul Curry 
2010-11Joe Kenny 
2012-13Gary Nash 
2013-14Matt Kenny 
2016-17Tim Siemering 
2018-19Dallas Voss 
2019-20Mark Grimmer
2019-20Michael Reidy
2019-20Ben Kezilas
2021-22Simon Green
2021-22Anthony Quonn